
2017-08-28 15:01:04  来源:CIO时代网

摘要:活动时间:2017年9月6日 活动主题:云优先环境下的技术架构战略
关键词: 技术架构

  今天,我们有幸正在经历一个伟大的变革时代,新技术带来了新模式、新模式带动新规则的产生,在这个言必称互联网的时代,传统经济下的规则、制度、理念都面临严峻的考验。互联网的快速发展对企业的信息化建设也带来了巨大的挑战与冲击,原有的信息化建设思路显得不合时宜了、原来的业务和IT架构难以跟上变化的脚步了、原有的技术体系落伍了、原来的管理制度和流程陈旧了,在互联网+时代,如何用发展的眼光看待变化,寻找突破和机会?CIO时代学院特地邀请EA Principals首席架构师Steve博士与美国总务管理局华盛顿特区首席架构师Brett博士与大家分享美国政府、医疗保健和能源部门等组织在面对巨大的机遇时利用基于云的应用程序在不同平台的大规模扩展,在各个垂直领域的共享服务等技术架构经验。

     Steve Else , Ph.D.
Dr. Steve Else is one of the world's foremost innovators, consultants, lecturers, educators, and trainers serving the Enterprise Architecture (EA) industry, he works closely with business and technology leaders in business transformations.
Dr. Else has trained and educated over 5000 professionals in EA (TOGAF, ArchiMate, Solution Architectue, IT4IT, etc.) as well as many others in U.S. Federal Enterprise Architecture. He is a regular keynote speaker at Global EA Conferences and Summits and has conducted many EA Executive Workshops for Fortune 50 companies and EA training for many universities worldwide.
Having consulted for the United Nations regarding overall EA in the recent past, he has also served as Chief Enterprise Architect for the Department of Health and Human Services (Inspector General), and was Lead Architect at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), as well as Lead Transition Architecture for U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
 A prolific contributor to the area of EA and Business Transformation, Dr. Else is Associate Editor with the Journal of Enterprise Architecture, founder and chief editor to the Enterprise Architecture Professional Journal (eapj.org), and author of the book, Organization Theory and Transformation of Large, Complex Organizations. His most recent book is on architecting customer experience.
An Adjunct Professor at several universities in US, Steve also teaches Enterprise Architecture, as well as Systems Analysis and Design, at the graduate level. He has also taught Technology Forecasting and Assessments, Knowledge Management, and IT Project and Change Management over the span of 15 years.
  Brett Brunk,  Ph.D.

Dr. Brett Brunk has a 20 year international career in IT spanning US Government, Consulting, Healthcare and Energy industries. In 2005 he held his first architecture position - as Manager of Architecture and Planning for Aeronautical Information at the Federal Aviation Administration. He introduced enterprise architecture concepts as a way to begin modernizing the FAA’s NOTAM (or PIlot alerting system)。 As part of that work he co-authored an international aviation data standard called AIXM (www.aixm.aero)。
In 2010 Brett became Chief Enterprise Architect at General Services Administration (GSA) - the US Government agency responsible for real estate and purchasing. At GSA Brett provided architectural oversight of nearly $1B in IT spending annually. He was an early adopter of business capabilities and he led his team to conduct business architect and application rationalization sessions with senior executives. Results of the work supported cost reductions, increase technology reuse and efforts to consolidate IT.
Brett left GSA in 2013 and took an international position with Maersk Oil and Gas in Copenhagen Denmark. At Maersk he built an enterprise architecture practice that influenced IT roadmaps and projects on 5 continents. Returning to the United States in 2015 Brett first took a position with Cambia Health Solutions, a health insurance provider, and then with Arizona Public Service, an electric utility. Now as Primary Architect and Chief, he is leading the entire Information Services department. In all his positions Brett brings his enterprise architecture expertise with his creativity and teamwork skills to help organizations get better value out of IT.


